Currently, operates on an invitation-only basis to ensure the highest levels of security and service quality for our early users. If you're interested in joining our platform, please leave your information in our invitation request form. Upon review, we will reach out with an invitation and instructions on how to set up your account, allowing you to start the journey of enhancing the integrity of your aviation documents. is designed to support a broad spectrum of aviation-related documents. This includes, but is not limited to, maintenance records, aircraft certification documents, regulatory compliance certificates, and proof of ownership. Our platform accommodates several file formats, such as PDF, JPEG, and PNG, ensuring versatility and ease of use for all our clients.

Prior to uploading, ensure that your documents are in a supported format and are clear and easy to read, legible, accurate, up to date, and intact. This preparation is crucial for a smooth verification process. Documents in PDF, JPEG, or PNG formats will have the fastest verification.

Yes! is equipped to handle a range of file types, including custom or proprietary formats. However, certifying these unique documents may require a bespoke solution tailored to your specific needs. We encourage you to contact our sales representative for more detailed information on how we can accommodate and securely verify your specialized documents.

Blockchain encryption utilizes cryptographic algorithms to secure documents uploaded to When a document is encrypted, it is transformed into a secure format that is nearly impossible to tamper with. This encryption, combined with blockchain's decentralized nature, ensures that each document's integrity is maintained, providing a secure, immutable record of authenticity.

Blockchain technology ensures that once a document is uploaded and encrypted onto the blockchain, it becomes tamper-proof and permanent. Each transaction or verification is recorded as a block on the chain, creating an unalterable history of the document's authenticity and changes over time, which significantly enhances security and trust. This also makes it possible to review the history of a document, knowing it has not been tampered with, and as such minimizing your chances of attaining fraudulent material.

Yes! is a cloud-based platform, allowing users to access their documents and our services from anywhere in the world, provided they have an internet connection. This ensures real-time access and verification capabilities, no matter your location.

Users can upload documents through our secure platform interface. After registration, you will be guided through a straightforward process to upload and submit your documents for verification and blockchain encryption.

Users can check the certification status of their documents by logging into their account and navigating to the 'My Documents' section. Here, you'll find detailed information on each document's status, including whether it has been successfully verified and certified, along with access to the digital certificate.

We use employs state-of-the-art security measures, including advanced encryption technologies, secure data storage solutions, and comprehensive privacy protocols to protect your documents and personal information. Our platform adheres to stringent data protection standards to ensure that all user data remains confidential and secure from unauthorized access.

We are committed to maintaining the privacy of our users.'s privacy policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, and protection of personal information. We only collect necessary information, and we employ robust security measures to protect your data. Users can contribute to their privacy by safeguarding their account details and practicing good cybersecurity hygiene.

Data privacy is paramount at We employ state-of-the-art encryption and security protocols to protect all data on our platform. Additionally, the decentralized nature of blockchain provides an added layer of security against unauthorized access and data breaches.

If you face difficulties uploading a document, ensure that the file format is supported and does not exceed the size limit. Check your internet connection and try uploading again. If the problem persists, please contact our support team through the support section of our website for further assistance.

If you forget your password, you can initiate a password reset by clicking the 'Forgot Password' link on the login page. Follow the instructions to reset your password. For additional help, contact our support team.

In the event of lost account access, our support team is here to assist you. We have secure processes in place to verify your identity and restore access to your account, ensuring your documents remain safe and accessible only to authorized users.

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